August 4, 2022

Bamfield Main Road Surfacing Project Announces Detour in Effect starting August 8

The Bamfield Main Road Surfacing Project has begun construction on the road between Port Alberni and Bamfield. Starting on August 8th the road will have a detour route in place that is anticipated to continue until August 26th. See the image above for the detour route. 

During this detour period on the road, Traffic Control personnel will direct public traffic and DETOUR signs have been posted. While driving on the Bamfield Main Road, drive with your headlights on at all times, and adhere to the speed limit of a maximum of 60km/hr. The detour may increase the driving time by 10-15 minutes.

Remember to always drive to the conditions of the road, yield to logging trucks and heavy machinery, and expect the unexpected.

To stay on top of the road upgrades, detours, and closures, be sure to follow Huu-ay-aht First Nations, Twitter and Facebook pages along with @WFPRoadInfo for immediate information on road conditions. You can also check out Western Forest Products road information website page on the Bamfield road here.

For more information on the Bamfield Road Resurfacing project visit the Huu-ay-aht First Nations project page here.




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